I am so grateful for the change of seasons. It’s not only brought striking autumn colors and cooler temperatures but also the rain! Yes, here in one of the most dangerous wildfire zones in the western United States, we’re celebrating having rain for several weeks now, which has provided quite the exhale because it is …
The Sustainable Garden
When we try something new in life OR in our garden and what we’d envisioned doesn’t happen, we might come to the conclusion that we weren’t cut out for what we’d set out to do or that we don’t have what it takes to be a successful gardener. Most of the lessons I’ve learned in …
The quieter months of winter are the ideal time to dream, imagine, and plan for a garden that can contribute to your wellbeing, provide a space for creativity, and an experience that energizes you, while bringing you peace. On a recent rainy Sunday afternoon, I spent hours in front of our fireplace, doing one of …
As grocery store shelves become more sparse due to unpredictable food supply being disrupted, gardening is going through a renaissance like we haven’t seen since World War II, when everyone was growing their own Victory Garden. The National Gardening Bureau has dubbed this time Victory Garden 2.0. Now it makes all the sense in the …
1. Our bodies change. That’s life. When we realize we have limitations that stop us from doing what we want to do, we have to learn to “accept what is” first. Then, and only then, we can develop resiliency by looking for other ways to get it done. 2. You deserve a safe and comfortable …
Seeking to create a sustainable garden is an act of good self care and an ideal way to garden with greater ease and more joy as we age — it also means less labor for you and contributes to more eco-friendly communities and a healthier planet. Below are some of my favorite suggestions to help …
While most gardeners focus on the plants in their garden, it’s the non-living, man-made hardscape elements that are most important in a well-thought-out adapted garden—mainly because they are the most expensive aspect to change. Uneven paths can be a tripping hazard, and gaps between flagstones or other surfaces can catch heels or canes, causing falls. …
One of the many light bulbs that went off in my head when I became a Master Gardener was the concept of right plant, right place. When I began to speak and write about adaptive gardening, I knew I needed to include it. After all, we strive to save time, money, and energy, right? Using …
Have you noticed one of the not so great joys of aging is how susceptible we become to temperatures? It’s because our bodies become less efficient at regulating body heat. When external temperatures rise, like when we’re exposed to direct sunlight or extremely hot environments, so does our internal body temperature. This is why seniors …
It broke my heart to see my beloved fig tree being carried out of my garden. I had made the ultimate gardening mistake: I did not pay attention to the concept of right plant, right place when I purchased my Black Mission fig tree. It was the right plant. My husband and I fell in …