Toni Gattone sit in front of her Award Winning website on a desktop computer

What a difference a year makes! When I’d envisioned 2020, I saw myself on the speaking circuit, traveling around the country, delivering my talks and doing book signings.  WOW… have things changed.  Although now it seems like a lifetime ago, this time last year my book and website launched. I was excited beyond belief the …

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Let’s face it, our country is going through some extraordinarily complicated times, isn’t it? Everybody’s stressed to the max and feeling on edge. With all the chaos, it’s hard to know what tomorrow has in store for us. What’s sad are the families divided by their blue and red loyalties. That divisiveness doesn’t make for …

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As the momentous year of 2019 comes to a close, I’m looking back over my shoulder at what an amazing year this has been. Having closed my garden and gift rep business last year after three decades, I embarked on my renaissance career with a clear, unobstructed focus to take my message out to the …

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