What a difference a year makes!
When I’d envisioned 2020, I saw myself on the speaking circuit, traveling around the country, delivering my talks and doing book signings. WOW… have things changed.
Although now it seems like a lifetime ago, this time last year my book and website launched. I was excited beyond belief the day had finally arrived when I could celebrate with my friends and family who supported me through the work and long hours to complete my book, branding, and website. It was an extraordinary year — and also one that challenged me beyond what I thought I was capable of.

Fast forward to August 2020
If I’ve learned one thing in the last year, and particularly during the past six months, it’s that being resilient and flexible in these unprecedented times is key to both being successful and fulfilled by the work. We’re all learning to adapt to what is, to count our blessings, and rethink what’s most important to us.
Despite all that is going on around us, I’m constantly looking for silver linings, and I’m feeling blessed because there have been so many personal and business triumphs and milestones this past year to be grateful for, but one of them I’m especially thrilled to share with you.
Drum roll please …
I’m thrilled to share that my website

has been awarded the GardenComm International 2020 Media Awards Silver Medal of Achievement.

This national award recognizes the highest levels of talent and professionalism in international garden communications, so it is truly an honor to have been chosen and far exceeds anything I imagined possible when starting out on my branding and website development journey.
These kinds of achievements happen with caring, dedicated, and talented people working with you. I share this honor and recognition with three amazing people who were with me each step along the way …

My sweet husband, Tim, who has supported me in all my endeavors, however crazy they may have seemed at the time, and yet he’s had my back since 1984.
Thankfully, he has a mental health background and he’s a speech coach, so he keeps me sane, on my toes, and always feeling supported.
He’s all heart and loves to make me laugh. It doesn’t get much better than that!

My dear friend, artist, and photographer, Heidi Hornberger, for her unequaled eye and for her willingness to jump in with both feet on yet another project after we finished the book.
Molto Grazie, Heidi! It’s a joy to work with you and I’m honored to be your friend these last three decades.
Visit HeidiHornberger.com to enjoy seeing Heidi’s fine art, her amazing sculpture, and her life-like paintings from her travels to Bali.

My business coach, Amanda Winn, and her amazing team at Wholehearted Business Development for their heart-centered, value-based relentless pursuit of excellence.
From brand development, social media strategy, to website design, the outcome has been better than I could have dreamed. Thank you, Amanda, for all you do.
You can find out more about Amanda and her amazing team at WholeheartedBusinessDevelopment.com
Thank you GardenComm for this award. As a member since 2015, each year I gain a sharper insight how to be a respected garden communicator. I’m honored to have received this recognition.

And of course none of this is possible without the interest and support of you, my Resilient Gardener Community. Thank you for all the ways you’ve supported me and my work over the past year.
I love hearing from you and I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions below.
Mariev (Gardening, -with adaptions, in Victoria, BC)
Thank you Mariev. It’s been an amazing journey thus far, but I’m thrilled to have survived and thrived through this last tumultuous year. I hope you are well and are enjoying our clear skies again.