Start where you are. Think about what hurts you when you garden. Decide what chores have become increasingly difficult to do. Then take a hard look at your garden and plan for whatever the future may hold.
Let’s face it, we are living in a stressful and complicated world. All the more reason to take time to get down to earth. As I write this today, I’m struck by how different our world is from just a few years ago. If watching the news makes you crazy, why not spend more time in your garden to shift your gears?
Years ago, I had a high energy sales job and worked for an insecure sales manager who enjoyed pulling the rug out from under me as a way of testing me. I was super stressed, and when I got home from work, I would pour myself a glass of wine, grab my pruners, and go out into my garden.
What began as a little dead-heading chore resulted in creating a beautiful bouquet of roses and cut flowers to bring indoors. Still, in my business suit, my stress melted away and it was replaced with a feeling of joy. Gardening has always been an attitude adjustment for me and if you are reading this post, I’m betting you feel the same.