Rosemarie Rossetti was referred to me by a mutual friend who knew we just had to meet because we speak on the same subject, but from two different angles. We talked for an hour and a half, and only at the end did we realize we are both blessed to be Sicilian!
Rosemarie tells an amazing and inspiring story which is the very soul of Adapting Yourself in the face of challenges! She was out on a bike ride with her husband when her life changed in an instant. A 7,000-pound tree fell on her and she was paralyzed from the waist down. That was nearly twenty years ago and through it all, she models the most beautiful attributes of resilience, determination, and joy.
During her TED talk, she asked the question we should all be asking ourselves: “What if … you had a temporary illness or you were recovering from surgery and you had to use a wheelchair?” That was Rosemarie’s reality, which was frightening enough, until she came home from the hospital and realized she was not able to access parts of her home, cook very well in her kitchen, and getting out to her garden in a wheelchair was out of the question.
Rosemarie decided she had to accept the cards she was dealt and find a way to make a difference for others, helping them find ways to change their behavior and accomplish more with their lives. Now a nationally recognized speaker and writer, she shares the lessons she has learned since that day as an accessibility expert and consultant.
Speaking of accessibility, how many stairs do you have to climb in your home or garden, and how would you overcome such adversity? How would you deal with barriers that could keep you from having the life you currently have? As we grow older, we all will have the need to consider accessibility in our lives. Why not make changes now, so you won’t have to in the future?
You can read more about Rosemarie on her website: and to learn about the accessible demonstration home and garden they built in Columbus, Ohio, go to the Universal Design Living Laboratory at