Announcing the Season for Sharing & Giving Contests

This last year, I’ve learned to share in a way that has never felt so aligned with who I am and what matters most to me.

For years, I lacked confidence in sharing the wisdom that has come from my story … it wasn’t until I connected with adaptive gardening, that my path was finally illuminated and the message I share about resilience and hope became crystal clear to me. It was then I knew what experiences from my own journey could be of some benefit to others and I was meant to bring to the world. 

With the increase of opportunities to speak at gardening events, and to connect with the modern elder gardening community, sharing my story at book signings, I finally found ways true to who I am to help other people — which is what I have been seeking for as long as I can remember. 

When we have clarity about our experiences and most importantly — what we’ve learned from them, it really does become effortless to share with others, in a way that can be of value and service. 

This is my work. Through my writing and speaking, this is what I’m aiming for. Thank you for being here and a part of this journey. 

In honor of the season of sharing, I’m launching TWO contests to celebrate the holidays of giving:

Ironwood Tool Sharpener is a must for every gardener. The 400 grit side sharpens a worn or damaged edge. The 600 grit fine side maintains a polished edge. Slip resistant comfort grip.
Corona Flex-Dial Pruner adjusts for smaller hands or faster cuts, or larger hands and powerful cuts. ComfortGEL grips for superior comfort and less hand fatigue during repetitive cuts.

Cobrahead Mini Weeder gets in the tightest areas with surprising precision, it’s perfect for lifting out smaller tap rooted weeds intact, and its small size is perfect for container gardening.


  • To participate in the contests, you simply have to answer a question and share a photo of your gardening experience.
  • Each answered question qualifies as one entry into the contest. 
  • If you complete all 6 contest questions, you’ll receive 6 entries, 3 entries for the book and 3 entries for the ergonomic tools. 
  • Contest winners will be announced Friday, December 13th, and as soon as you provide me with the shipping information, your contest prize will be shipped on Monday, December 16th, just in time for the holidays.
  • Unless you request otherwise when submitting your responses, your comments may be shared with this community on a future blog.
  • Following are the submission requirements:


Below are three questions for you to answer sharing your story of resiliency and transformation. 

  • Each submission must have at least one photo showing how you transformed your garden, your technique, or your tool. 
  • Answer one or all three questions for a chance to receive a free book.
  • Each answer must be in separate email or you may comment below this blog on my website.


  1. How have you changed your gardening techniques, when you garden,  and what you’re doing to make gardening easier on your body.
  2. How have you adapted or modified your garden for greater comfort, safety, or ease?
  3. Describe your best experience of resiliency around your gardening, when you were initially challenged, but then found a way to bounce back and move forward.


  1. What is your favorite adapted or ergonomic tool that saves you time, money, space, or energy?
  2. What is your favorite multi-use tool?
  3. Describe a tool you recently found that made you think: “Why didn’t I think of that?”

If you have any questions about the contest, please email me

Thank you for being such loyal readers, supporting my work and for participating in these contests. I’m looking forward to hearing from you, reading about your adaptive gardening experiences and your stories of resilience. 

I’m also thrilled to announce that for those of you participating in the contest, unless you specify that you don’t want to be included, I’ll be sharing the responses from the contest questions on the new Resilient Gardener Community Page that I’ll be launching/unveiling in January. 

One of the intentions I’ve held for this work is for the sharing to not be just one-way communication, but to cultivate opportunities for members of the #ResilientGardenerCommunity to read about the rich wisdom within this community and also the fertile ground for connection with other modern elder and senior gardeners.

When we share with others and give from a place of generosity, it changes us.  When we give with hearts filled with gratitude, we expand the spirit of giving within ourselves and we ripple that out into the world. That is the joy of this season, to both share and give to others. 

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