For years, I’ve been looking for the perfect tote bag and I finally found it! As a Master Gardener, we volunteer for workdays at our projects and I love having a tote for my tools, gloves, water bottle, keys, and phone. This Puddle Proof Tote Bag is large enough to carry all that plus it’s deep enough to carry my kneeling pad and my Sunset Western Guidebook, which is our bible in the West. It has three pockets on each side, each with an elastic cord so your tools won’t accidentally fall out. There are mesh pockets on each end that can be cinched closed with cord locks to securely hold your water bottle. It is made of quality materials, so you will not be replacing this for many years to come. The best part is the waterproof rubber bottom that keeps everything dry, should you happen to be working next to a puddle.
In the spirit of transparency, I receive a small fee when you decide to purchase this wonderful tote through the above link. Thank you for your support.